Wednesday, March 24, 2010


here, lepaking at Starbucks... like usual.. siting in front of my laptop and on9... instead surfing the net I also read a book but not today. No interesting books that I would like to read, well, obviously because no books around here... hahahhaha...

I'm starting to lose my focus in reading and writing lately-addiction with facebook. I don't know why I'm addicted to. Obviously, I've got so many friends there and we have lots of interesting gossips that we could share together. And the best thing is when we go out and meet together at least we have topics to share and laugh out loud about it. Sometimes, it makes me breath and enjoy myself; far from stress and depression of life.

On the other hand, I could find and meet new people and old friends that we'd lost in touch from this searching pals website. Talking about meeting new people, last week I've been introduce by my friend to her friend. wowwww... he's hot man... hahahhaha... (don't get wrong with this.. I mean about his character). He's cool and very sporting... and for starting, I proud myself because I break the pattern. I lost my nervous anxiety. I can talk.. talk..and talk without thinking about myself. I feel good about myself. When I sit and thought about my anxiety, I learn from it- to be myself and enjoy the conversation. Yeah... I should practice it in another time.. eheee~~~~

I think that's all for now... I've got so many things to share... but I don't have much time to do it. heheheh.. better off now... I love my self............



  1. Hehehhe...mana satu fren ko ne??? hehhehe :))) Hmmm....u enjoy interogation arrr?? *wink*wink* hmmm i think you find him amusing ehhh?? :p

  2. hahahha no la.. 1 of my fren bha.. she's intoduced me of her fren.. nama dia hady... he's working in sandakan rite now... well some other time we can go there... for holiday... u must come ok?!!! hehhee... we still looking for the time.. I mean the rite time to go there... :D orait??!!!! take care.. and happy working :D
